Language: Hoocąk

Corpus creator(s): Iren Hartmann
Archive: TLA
Annotation files license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License
Audio files license: Audio at TLA
Translation: English

The Hoocąk DoReCo dataset was compiled by Iren Hartmann between 2003 and 2012 and further processed for DoReCo by Karl Oßwald, Michelle Throssell, Ludger Paschen, and Matthew Stave between 2019 and 2024. If you are interested in distributing modified versions of the Hoocąk DoReCo dataset, please contact Iren Hartmann to obtain permission, in accordance with the license under which this dataset is distributed. The files that the Hoocąk DoReCo dataset are based on are part of a larger collection of Iren Hartmann's Hoocąk data that is archived at TLA (

A set of files with further information on the Hoocąk DoReCo dataset, including metadata and PIDs is automatically included in each bulk download of files from this dataset.

The Hoocąk DoReCo dataset should be cited as follows:

Hartmann, Iren. 2024. Hoocąk DoReCo dataset. In Seifart, Frank, Ludger Paschen and Matthew Stave (eds.). Language Documentation Reference Corpus (DoReCo) 2.0. Lyon: Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (UMR5596, CNRS & Université Lyon 2). (Accessed on 06/03/2025). DOI:10.34847/nkl.b57f5065 

Please note that when actual data from any number of DoReCo datasets is used, the full reference for each individual dataset must be provided, including the name(s) of the creator(s) of each dataset. It is NOT sufficient to refer to DoReCo as a whole. We are aware that this may result in very long lists of references, but it is only in this way that corpus creators get due recognition for their work. The default is to include the full set of bibliographical references in the reference section of the main text of a paper or abstract. If this is absolutely impossible (because of page limit restrictions, for instance), then inclusion of the full list of references in an appendix is acceptable, or - as a last resort - in supplementary material published separately, e.g. on Zenodo or OSF, in which case the main text of the paper or the abstract must explicitly refer to this list and provide its URL or PID.

Dataset files :download core annotation files
Name Speaker(s) Age(s) Speaker(s) Gender(s) Genre Gloss Word tokens
Dataset files :download extended annotation files
Name Speaker(s) Age(s) Speaker(s) Gender(s) Genre Gloss Word tokens